Tuesday 23 April 2013

Finding Your Way Around This Blog

Welcome to the World's Beyond : Science Fiction and Fantasy Series For Young Adults and Emergent Readers Blog!

If you love Harry Potter but just can't read those books yet you are in the right blog. The 5-8 list will help you find similar books that will get you reading.

If you love Harry Potter but wish you could read something maybe smaller or a little easier then go to the 8 Years and up tab for similar reading.

If you have finished reading the Harry Potter series and want to read more then use the Young Adult tab to find more great reading in the Science Fiction and Fantasy Fiction genre.

If you have read all these books and are still wanting more then click on the Report Tab and scroll to the end for two tabs, one has 82 of the best children's Fantasy Fiction titles going and the other has the top 25 Science Fiction titles for children.

Still want more? Then get set to do a search of your own on the WorldCat site as you also create the list of over 3000 Fantasy and Science Fiction titles available, some in ebook form, that have been written since the year 1874! Find out how to do this search by scrolling down the Report Tab to the heading. 

How to do the BIG WorldCat search for titles. It's the work of a life time to read them all.

Navigating within this blog.

This blog is designed for young people to help them get started reading Science Fiction and Fantasy Fiction. The tabs at the top point you to easy reading chapter books and as you move to the right the list gives you books that are harder to read.

The Extra Titles Tab is a list of the  rest of the titles in a series. So you can find the next book to read.

The Definition tab explains what kinds of books are presented in this blog and the difference between Science Fiction and Fantasy Fiction.

The Report Tab is a record of the work done to produce this blog. It is intended for adults to read and is contains links to websites that contained the information used to prepare information about each book title. It also acknowledges the work of other people that has been used and where the information for the material presented came from.

The Blog Archive gives you a short cut to individual titles.

The Labels list gives you subjects and keywords that are mentioned in the blog on the home tab.Click on this to find every post containing a book with that aspect in it.

The Home tab at the bottom of the page will always bring you back to the last post on the home page.

The Old Posts is where you will find the list of teaser grabs, one for each title so you can explore from there.

5-8 Tab

This tab takes you to a short list of chapter books which share the same elements of story that are in The Harry Potter series. If you have can not read the Harry Potter books then by reading the 5-8 books and others  you will develop your reading skills to be able to read harder books. If you then go and start reading books from the 8 years and up list you will then have the reading skills to be reading the Harry Potter series with no difficulty. The last tab for Young Adults are other books to read when you have finished the Harry Potter books and you would like to read more in the Science Fiction or Fantasy Fiction Genre.

8 Years and up Tab

This tab lists all the books presented which can be read by students who have a reading age from 8 years and up. You maybe an advanced reader for a six year old and be able to read these books.

Young Adults Tab

This tab gives you further information about the taster you found on the main blog. Use this information to search the WorldCat website to find the title in a library close to you.

Extra Titles Tab

This tab lists by series all the titles that you can read to follow up on the first title in the series presented on the main blog.

Definitions Tab

The definitions Tab explains what the genre Science Fiction and Fantasy Fiction are and gives you some other interesting facts and lists to look for more great fiction to read.

Report Tab

The report tab is a document of the resources and sources used to create this blog. Please note that the hyperlinks that start with http://web.ebscohost.com will not activate due to the password interface needed for the site. All other hyperlinks worked at the time of publication to the blog.